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Body: is officially launched.....

We launched on June, 23 2013! Our goal is to create a website by pilots, for pilots where you can share interview and simulator experiences and other information related to the hiring process or aviation in general. The databases are new so please add your interview reports under the "Interview Prep" tab. With YOUR help our site will quickly have the MOST up to date hiring information on the web! Feel free to post on our blog and create new threads. We simply ask that you keep your discussions courteous and respect others opinions. Thank you for visiting and helping us create the BEST pilot hiring website on the internet!

Position: B-777 First Officer | United Airlines

Member Since: 23.06.2013 16:26:25
Quote: "Love what you do and you will never work a day in your life!"

Posted by Admin on 23.06.2013 14:04:05

Any hiring forecast

I still have three years left. Even though the forecast I read are painting a roses picture I don't know what the thoughts are regarding the airline mergers. Any gouge would be great to know.

Position: Pilot

Member Since: 29.06.2013 02:35:44

Posted by KP1972 on 29.06.2013 02:38:29

Future hiring looks great!

I can only tell you about United but from where I sit I think you're in a great position. We retire about 960 pilots in the next three years and then retirements accelerate even more. In the following 20 years we will retire almost 10,000 pilots! Thanks for joining and good luck!

Position: B-777 First Officer | United Airlines

Member Since: 23.06.2013 16:26:25
Quote: "Love what you do and you will never work a day in your life!"

Posted by Admin on 02.07.2013 07:20:15

What is

This website was a fun project for me on layovers. I decided I'd like to try to build a website. I knew nothing about html and very little about programming and I was curious to see if I could do it. The only problem was what kind of website to build. Fast forward a couple months. I was researching hiring / interview gouge for my brother and was unimpressed at the resources I found online. They were either filled with ads, poorly designed or charged a fee. In addition, the data was old and stale. In response, I decided to pick pick up a few books and build a website for pilots to share interview and hiring experiences and information. In the Air Force we called it the interview "gouge" book and it got lot's of use in our squadron. The website I've made is the online version. It has no ads, it's free and it's built with responsive web design so it sizes automatically for iPhone, iPad, desktop, etc (the way I'd want it to be since I'm always on the road or in the air). It was a fun layover project! What it needs now is lots of word of mouth and pilots going through the process to share information by populating the database with interview experiences and gouge! I created an "Interview Prep" section with a database for pilots to share their experiences on pilot interviews and sim checks. Your write-ups are completely de-identified to keep them totally anonymous. Also, please give me feedback so I can make it better....I'm completely open to suggestions! I've already added a lot to the site based on inputs from other pilots (KCM access points, jumpseat access, links for lost airmen certificates, and more). Please contribute and tell your friends! If you're lucky enough to get the interview, take just a few moments and do a write-up on the website. I know I appreciated it immensely when pilots before me took the time to share some information. Preparing for that interview is nerve wracking and I spent hours looking for anything I could find about the process. When I finally got the interview, I wrote a comprehensive summary for those coming next. The report I wrote back in 1996: I felt it was the least I could do after getting hired myself. Take just a few minutes and create a report after your interview or sim check!

Position: B-777 First Officer | United Airlines

Member Since: 23.06.2013 16:26:25
Quote: "Love what you do and you will never work a day in your life!"

Posted by Admin on 08.11.2013 12:29:57